Tracey Colson Antee
Know your story, your goals and that one idea that you’ve always thought about, it’s hidden in the swirl of a roux that is just about ready to become something delicious and satisfying. Explore your roux, your culture, your foundation and discover what makes you so uniquely you!

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The Story on the Line, the Other Part of Genealogy
I proclaim to be a terrible genealogist. This is a true statement and definitely not opinion. I spent my childhood in libraries, church archives and peoples homes researching. I knew how to work a microfilm machine, remember those, and WRITE DOWN what we found. No copies, or pdf’s or scanning available. My Mom created a…

Living in My Shame Storm
Right before I began to write this one of my former coworkers and friend, messaged me that she loved to read my stories. And that she misses my big hugs. At that very moment I was sitting here staring at this blank screen and thinking, “I can’t do this”. Who am I to think that…

My Super Secret Tips & Tricks for Non-Profit Work
After 25 years of working in the non-profit world I’ve come up with my own little bag of tips and tricks. In an ever-changing field you need to have your tried-and-true solutions to go to. These things aren’t new or different but it’s the way I’ve used them to find success in my work. Forewarning…

How Innovation and Collaboration in Non-Profits Work
I’ve worked in non-profits a long time and for several non-profits with complicated missions and simple missions. But, in every instance there is always an opportunity to grow and manipulate what that mission and work looks like. I specialize in taking old, dusty, grandma non-profits to hot and sexy. I love to take on a…

My Love Hate Relationship as a Non-Profit Executive Director
While I talk way to much about my side hustles, my main hustle is being a non-profit Executive Director. I’ve worked in the non-profit world for almost as long as I can remember. I grew up the kid of a non-profit addict and learned from the best. Instead of sleepovers, dance or cheer camp I…

Did You Breathe Today? Let’s Start Now!
Did you breathe today? I mean really breathe. Took a quiet moment, just a moment, and filled your lungs and belly with air and slowly exhaled. If you didn’t then you should try it. Taking a moment or 5 minutes or 20 minutes to do some mindful breathing can make a huge difference in how…